Here's how you do it. If your radiator's leaking, crack a couple of raw eggs into the filler neck. That's it. Crack the eggs in there, start the car, get it to operating temp, et voila — leak fixed.
Some people fix their cars with duct tape. Others use zip ties. This Lexus owner? A baking sheet from Walmart or Bed Bath & ...
Radiator hoses are an important part of your car, and you'll want to keep them in good condition. Here's how to know if it's ...
The radiator fan (or fans) pulls cooling air through the car’s radiator. Positioned between the radiator and engine, cooling fans are particularly helpful when the car is stationary or moving at ...
The air-conditioning condenser is a radiator positioned between the car’s grille and the engine-cooling radiator in which the gaseous refrigerant sheds heat and returns to a liquid state.
I grew up in rural north central Ohio, in a little town that was home to a small, prestigious, eye-wateringly expensive liberal arts college (my alma mater, in fact) and had hitchin' rails ...