The Antarctic ozone layer is currently healing, as a result of global efforts to reduce ozone-depleting substances.
Ozone levels in the southeastern counties are indeed elevated, and that’s bad for the health of people living here. Blaming ...
Discover the importance of the ozone layer, its role in shielding Earth from harmful UV radiation, the causes and effects of ...
He is the editor of the NASA Earth Observatory. For living creatures on Earth, there is good ozone and bad ozone. Whether the molecule is helpful or harmful has nothing to do with the chemical makeup ...
Bad air quality days are a heightened concern as ozone season begins in North Carolina. Ozone season in the state lasts from ...
There are two different types of ozone: Good: ozone in the upper atmosphere shields Earth from harmful solar radiation Bad: ozone at ground-level is considered pollution or smog Daily pollen ...
Instead, the U.S. air quality index looks at five pollutants regulated under the Clean Air Act: ground-level ozone, ...
Pruitt recommends that everyone keep an eye on the air quality forecasts in their area as well as a few tips on bad air ...