crystal-like lattice structure as a result of their mutual repulsion. As opposed to conventional crystals, where atoms become stable via attracting forces, the Wigner crystal is solely formed due ...
Newly published research in the journal Nature demonstrates a novel way of generating phonon-polaritons by making electrons collide with crystal lattice structures. The discovery paves the way for ...
A fundamental goal of physics is to explain the broadest range of phenomena with the fewest underlying principles. Remarkably, seemingly disparate problems often exhibit identical mathematical ...
One way of creating a time crystal is to knock some of the carbon atoms out of the crystal lattice of diamond, creating what ...
Researchers show that Cartan's First Structure Equation, which relates to edge and screw dislocations in crystal lattices, can be recast in the same form as a basic mathematical formula that governs ...
Perovskite cells may soon offer an alternative to silicon solar cells. These semiconductors are cheaper to manufacture and ...
Sodium Chloride is an alkali halide with an fcc crystal structure. The basis is two ions, a sodium cation and a chlorine anion. The crystal lattice parameter is 0.563 nm. The diagram shows both a unit ...
Goodtzow (NATURE, 119, 494; 1927), that quenched carbon steels contain a phase with a tetragonal crystal structure ... corresponding to the tetragonal lattice are not resolved, but in photograms ...
Zinc sulphide exists with two different crystal structures, the cubic zinc blend (top diagram) and the hexagonal Wurtzite (lower diagram). In the zinc blend structure the sulphur ions form an fcc ...
They demonstrated that the fields representing the strain generated around lattice dislocations in crystalline materials, modeled by Cartan's First Structure Equation, obey the same equations as ...
They demonstrated that the fields representing the strain generated around lattice dislocations in crystalline materials, modeled by Cartan's First Structure Equation, obey the same equations as ...