Firefighters responded to a garage fire on Glenfield Avenue in Stratford on Wednesday morning, officials say. Around 10:30 ...
Multiple fire companies responded to a structure fire in Wolcott on Monday morning. Firefighters responded to a report of a ...
Six people are displaced after multiple fires on Glen Haven Road in New Haven on Wednesday night, according to the New Haven ...
Crews battled a garage fire at an equipment rental service Friday night along Layton Road. According to a Pennsylvania State ...
Assistant Dayton Fire Chief Brad French said the garage was heavily damaged and had mostly collapsed. “During overhaul and ...
Multiple fire crews responded to a structure fire in Benton, Illinois Sunday evening. According to Chief Doug Webb with the ...
A street sweeper caught fire inside the Lansford Borough garage Tuesday afternoon, igniting another truck and its diesel fuel ...
A Tuesday evening social media post from the Sedalia Fire Department showed the garage of a home damaged by fire. The ...
Waukesha firefighters responded to a garage fire on Monday night. It happened at a duplex on Kensington Drive west of St.
A Glen Haven Road fire in New Haven displaced six people and caused a brush fire Wednesday evening, officials said.
Timing and quick work by the volunteer fire department is being credited for saving a building from fire. On Tuesday, the ...
The owner of the building was working in the garage using a grinding tool when the fire started, officials said.