In the case of my quad-motor go-kart, the voltage is not going to change ... My decision to add no caster in the steering also became very evident at higher speeds. Let me explain myself here.
A go-kart driver tragically died after his steering wheel popped off during a high-speed practice run, causing him to lose control and crash into a wall. The harrowing moment was captured by the ...
A case in point is [BUM]’s go-kart made entirely from Harbor Freight ... Some cutting and welding produces a surprisingly useful steering mechanism, and the rear axle comes from a post hole ...
LEGO has revealed a giant Mario set to celebrate the plumber’s big day, and it could be laying the track out for a new Mario Kart game.
Go-karting had always intrigued me, but I had never mustered the courage to actually do it. One time when I was truly eager to participate, a friend stopped me, because I had just recovered from a ...