A go-kart driver tragically died after his steering wheel popped off during a high-speed practice run, causing him to lose control and crash into a wall. The harrowing moment was captured by the ...
A case in point is [BUM]’s go-kart made entirely from Harbor Freight ... Some cutting and welding produces a surprisingly useful steering mechanism, and the rear axle comes from a post hole ...
Electric go-karts aren’t uncommon ... The next thing for me to do was assemble the new front steering system. As you saw last time, my old steering was too weak. This time I doubled the ...
Road noise is abundant, as is a fair bit of wind noise. The hatchback handles like the aforementioned go-kart. The steering is fast and tight, albeit it could use more feel. The car is a blast to ...
LEGO has revealed a giant Mario set to celebrate the plumber’s big day, and it could be laying the track out for a new Mario ...