MoDOT begins pavement repairs on U.S. Route 69 in Clinton County, with lane reductions and potential delays from March 18-21.
Several Northeast states have some of the country’s worst-maintained highways, roads and bridges, according to a new report, ...
Texas' highway system ranked 25th in the country for its cost-effectiveness and overall conditions — falling six ranking ...
Wisconsin ranks 26th in overall road cost-effectiveness and condition in Reason Foundation’s Annual Highway Report, a seven-spot improvement from a year ago. The report ranks each state on road and ...
Beginning at 10 p.m. on Monday, March 10, until 5 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11, the Iowa DOT will close I-80 between the U.S.
The center turn lane and one northbound lane will be affected by pavement repairs south of the I-70 business loop near Austin Avenue.
(The Center Square) – Michigan roads are improving. The Reason Foundation’s 28th Annual Highway Reports ranks Michigan 23rd ...
Faced with soaring highway construction costs, Virginia is turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to improve cost estimation ...
Pavement repairs by Missouri Department of Transportation will impact Providence Road Wednesday and Thursday in Columbia. The center turn lane and left-hand northbound lane of Providence Road ...