After premiering in the United Kingdom in 2010 and in the United States in 2011, Downton Abbey quickly permeated the cultural ...
Gareth Neame, an executive producer on Downton Abbey 3, has revealed a heartbreaking storyline which will greatly impact the franchise.
Downton Abbey' went off the air in 2016 ... aristocrat ideals and was last spotted becoming friendly with one of Lady Edith’s editor friends. Mr. Carson and Mrs. Hughes married in the final ...
Downton Abbey star Robert Bathurst has revealed people come up to him in the street and tell him off over jilting Lady Edith.
You can watch Lady Edith and the rest of your favourite characters in the Downton Abbey film, which is released in UK cinemas on Frirday 13 September. You’re now subscribed to all our newsletters.
Or when everyone thought Tragic Edith had been ... Dockery – who played Lady Mary – says that she hadn’t ruled out starring in a movie version of Downton Abbey. “The thing I miss the ...
The third film in the Downton Abbey franchise is set to be released later this year, and a new executive producer has confirmed a devastating storyline in the film ...
In "Downton Abbey: A New Era," Lady Violet Crawley (Maggie Smith) gets word that she's inherited a villa in France from a gentleman she spent time with in the 1860s. The family takes a trip to ...