In fact, in many ways, Lenin turned Marx on his head by placing politics over economics when he argued that Russia had gone through its capitalist stage of history and was ready for a second ...
This is named after Karl Marx, the German philosopher, dubbed the father of Communism. The Lenin menu - named after former Russian leader Vladimir Lenin who murdered his people and left millions ...
If we truly wish to understand and apply Marx's insights today, we must reject the rigid dogmas that later 'Marxists' imposed in his name.' ...
It was this misery which Lenin deliberately set himself out to exploit. He was not, he never pretended to be, an original thinker. From the moment of his discovery of Marx at Kazan University his ...
Marx's explanation of this transformation is, the article argues, of continuing importance for our understanding of working class consciousness—with its key elements carried forward by both Luxemburg ...
In fact, in many ways, Lenin turned Marx on his head by placing politics over economics when he argued that Russia had gone through its capitalist stage of history and was ready for a second ...