An ancient Egyptian woman thought to have been pregnant and dying of cancer was actually just embalmed with a technique that ...
A recent international study led by archaeologist Kamila Braulińska from the University of Warsaw challenged previous claims ...
A debate about a mysterious 'mummy' has raged for years, with experts stumped trying to work out what the little bumps inside ...
Mummy aroma may provide insight into social class and historical period, according to a team of trained mummy sniffers ...
After discovering a trove of mummified crocodiles in Egypt, researchers noticed something unexpected—these reptiles had an ...
Remains of inscriptions depicting the goddesses Isis and Nephthys were found in the tomb, with yellow cartouches that once ...
The story on this page has some tougher vocabulary words and questions to improve your understanding and English grammar.
The mysterious Bashiri mummy has captivated Egyptologists for more than a century. Known as the untouchable one, the mummy ...
The extraordinary care with which that Bashiri mummy was wrapped suggests this person was also of great importance in ancient Egyptian society. But the identity of the corpse remains unknown ...
POLICE have uncovered a creepy well-preserved mummy hidden in an alleged smuggler’s house after a shock raid. The mummy is ...
Displaying Egyptian mummies and other human remains in museums and universities should be banned as it may offend the 'wishes of the ancestors', MPs have claimed. The all-party Parliamentary Group ...
One museum visitor in Edinburgh was horrified to see stolen body parts belonging to his 19th century ancestors on display ...