which eager girls and boys eventually welcome on Christmas morning, these items are gifts that have already been given—and rejected. At “The Museum of Bad Gifts,” a weeklong installation at ...
The Museum gift shop carries many unique, beautiful, and educational items at reasonable prices, including Native American jewelry, pottery and rugs, books, baskets, and children's toys. In addition ...
Around the museum, you’ll also see 26 Christmas blow-ups, eight trees five feet or taller, and Santa and gifts in a 1926 Model T. “We love to do stuff for the community just to try and bring ...
Ellen and Joe Checota are making $5 million challenge gifts to Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee Repertory Theater and Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra. The gifts are designed to increase the ...
Visitors can go on a guided tour as well as visit the official "A Christmas Story" Museum, which features costumes, props and lots of movie memorabilia. There's even a gift shop if you want to ...