Proposed plans are to widen Route 60 to three lanes, providing one continuous center left-turn lane and one travel lane in each direction with an eight-foot shared-use path and a five-foot sidewalk, ...
Proposed plans are to widen the two-lane Route 60 (Pocahontas Trail) roadway into three lanes for access and safety improvements. The widening — from James City County Fire Station No. 2 to Magruder ...
Celebrating Women’s History Month. Jane Price Sharp, Editor Emerita of The Pocahontas Times, receiving the Adam R. Kelly ...
Based in 1607, Disney depicts Pocahontas as the stunning and free-spirited daughter of Chief Powhatan (voiced by Russell Means). Her tribe lives in what is now known as Virginia and works together ...
Pocahontas, a new 263- ft. (80.25-m), 500-passen-1 g e r / 7 0 - v e h i c l e ferry, was delivered to the Virginia Department of Transporta t i o n by Moss Point Marine, Inc., of the Trinity M a ...
The Monongahela National Forest announces two prescribed fires. Forest officials estimate the work will continue through the ...
JAMES CITY — The Virginia Department of Transportation ... Proposed plans are to widen the two-lane Route 60 (Pocahontas Trail) roadway into three lanes for access and safety improvements.