Even if you never pick up a pen, observing your surroundings like a poet is a good habit to develop, author Lola Haskins ...
Indiana author Rebecca Kai Dotlich writes about how a childhood spent collecting lyrics and words sparked her love of poetry.
He is struck on a road just outside Damascus, and his life is readjusted. He then is the recipient of hardship: the Lord will ...
Ever wonder how to keep your team motivated? How to let them know they are valued, cherished and appreciated? Providing ...
Poets Safia Elhillo, Jamila Woods and members of the Stanford Spoken Word Collective shared poems both personal and political ...
Historically, poets have had less to say about pandemics than you might imagine. Hardly any English-language poetry written ...
I believe in “doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Please reprint the poem because, to me, it’s a treasure.