Elizabeth "Libby" Alexander Murdaugh, mother of Alex Murdaugh and wife of the late Randolph Murdaugh III, died Tuesday afternoon, according to Peeples-Rhoden Funeral Home. Her online obituary ...
VARNVILLE, S.C. (WCSC) - The mother of Alex Murdaugh and wife of the late Randolph Murdaugh III has died. Elizabeth “Libby” Murdaugh died Tuesday afternoon at her home under hospice care ...
Randolph Murdaugh III, was in failing health and that she needed to see him before he died. According to several sources, Maggie and Alex had hit a rough patch in their marriage, and she was ...
Tragedy struck again three days later when the family patriarch, well-known local prosecutor Randolph Murdaugh III, 81, died, according to his law firm, Peters Murdaugh Parker Eltzroth & Detrick.
Smith told the jury she learned of the murders the next morning. After Randolph Murdaugh’s funeral, the family held a visitation at the parent’s house, where she met the defendant again. Smith began ...