For decades, car factories around the world have used large industrial robots to help build cars. Now, a number of these ...
A Chinese robotics company Dobot has built an intelligent and powerful AI humanoid which is capable of preparing food ...
A ROBOT designed to make coffee has been hailed as “more human than ever”.  The AI-controlled mechanical arm adapts to “chaos ...
A Swedish AI startup company has created a robot dog named Luna that has a functional digital nervous system capable of learning and adapting like humans and many animals, the company, IntuiCell, said ...
Robot psychology is a growing field reflecting the psychological significance of person-robotic creature communication (Libin & Libin, 2004, p. 1792). From ...
The very word "robot" was coined by Karel Čapek, a Czeck writer who, in the 1920s, wrote a play that imagined human-like ...
How much space do you need when meeting a human versus a robot? People often prefer more distance from robots—even when they look remarkably similar to us.
A groundbreaking AI-powered robot is redefining what machines can do by preparing coffee in unpredictable environments like ...
TOKYO >> Recently in Tokyo, an artificial intelligence-driven robot leaned over a man lying on his back, gently put a hand on ...
In a world of ever-changing and advancing (artificial intelligence) technology, it is now possible to pre-order your own ...
OK, this is not a drill. The robots are coming. Nvidia announced technologies to supercharge humanoid robot development.
At least the visuals are impressive in Netflix film set in parallel universe where androids revolt against human exploitation.