Like the Tasmanian devil, the kultarr is a fierce predator ... During the daytime, kultarrs hide in cracks in the soil or ...
Nature has found a way after an echidna was spotted on an island where wildlife was mostly destroyed by a devastating ...
Quolls and Tasmanian devils are carnivores ... they represent the largest remaining Australian carnivorous marsupials—native animals at the top of their food chains. We tested samples from ...
Using cameras, acoustic monitors, and field surveys in collaboration with Dr Liz Znidersic from Charles Sturt University, the ...
The Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre is leading a bold project to restore and rewild the Bass Strait Island, Lungtalanana.
Greens groups claim to have identified the forests the state government plans to log after analysing a heavily redacted Right ...
Environment Minister Tanya Plibsersek is being taken to federal court by a conservation group over failure to list recovery plans for 11 threatened species.