The folk of Northumberland knew that the Curse of the Worm had struck again. The Worm of Lambton was fished out of the River Wear at the time of the Crusades by Sir John Lambton, angling godlessly ...
Visitors can enjoy a new immersive experience at Kynren where they can walk down cobbled streets enjoying sights, sounds and stories.
Its new owners say that the iconic and much-loved exhibition for those in Cornwall and beyond will “take centre stage" ...
The Legend of the Wear performance will use water stunts to retell the Lambton Worm myth. Councillor Amanda Hopgood said the council welcomed the development plans as a new attraction for the region.
From the tale of the Lambton Worm to Victorian England, visitors are promised extravagant backdrops and five unforgettable shows that will "bring the past to life". "You won’t just witness ...
The Legend of the Wear' will showcase water stunts on a giant lake, retelling the Lambton Worm myth, while 'The Lost Feather' will highlight the beauty and vulnerability of global bird species on ...
In The Legend of the Wear, a giant lake becomes the stage for water stunts and a retelling of the Lambton Worm myth. Another highlight is expected to be The Lost Feather, set on a stage inspired ...