a substitute that vampires can consume with the same effect as human blood. This is True Blood. Now humans and vampires can co-exist in harmony, and even form relationships. But there will always ...
The late 2000s saw a phase in movies and TV when vampires were all audiences wanted to see. When Twilight debuted with its ...
He was dressed in all black and wore vampire fangs, much like his True Blood character Eric Northam did across the HBO show’s 7 seasons. Of his appearance, Skarsgaard shared, "I'm afraid I have ...
True Blood recap: 'Almost Home' 'True Blood' postmortem: Inside the twists of 'Almost Home' True Blood recap: 'May Be the Last Time' 'True Blood' postmortem: Inside Sookie's 'May Be the Last Time ...
True Blood star Lauren Bowles has joined the NCIS: Origins cast. Lauren played Holly Cleary on the hit HBO show True Blood. Holly was a Wiccan in the supernatural drama.