Amy Wang ‘s Slanted, which the jury called an “unflinching satirical thriller” about identity, won the Narrative Feature ...
And for our money, the next new category should Best Poster Design. For a while back in the 2010s it looked like poster ...
These posters will be judged by a panel of select current students from the 2nd year cohort and beyond. These panelists will be chosen prior to the reception by the Director of Interdisciplinary ...
The poster will be used to publicize the event with the RIT and Rochester communities. * All awards, prizes, and/or gifts given by RIT are taxable to the recipient, students, and non-students alike.
Every year during awards season, a doggy daycare in Illinois remakes all the movie posters for the Oscars best picture ...
A second opinion always helps. Email [[grs]]. Poster presentations at the GRS are eligible for the "People's Choice" poster award ($100). Attendees at the poster session are given ballots to select ...
The ACS ChemLuminary Awards ceremony took place on Tuesday, August 20, at the Sheraton Denver Downtown. The event kicked off with a poster session and reception. V. Michael Mautino, retired from ...
It’s another standard of excellence in cinema—and we’d argue that there’s indeed correlation between great posters and great films. Consider: In our (admittedly wildly unscientific!) ...
University of North Georgia (UNG) student Tyler Simpson and his research mentor, Dr. Levi "Zane" Miller, won a Best Poster Award at the American Chemical Society (ACS) Southeast Undergraduate Research ...
Your Choice is Your Voice is the theme of Prevention Works’ 24th annual, youth, poster making contest. Each year, the ...
The National Cartoonists Society officially (it has been an open secret since last year’s gathering) announces the the time ...