The Market Street ramp onto I-95 South will soon close temporarily for planned sewer improvements. The closure will take ...
After the collision near the SW 10th Street exit, the Florida Highway Patrol said drivers were diverted to the I-95 express ...
An off-duty officer involved in a traffic incident on his way home opened fire on a truck driver on Interstate 95, although ...
The right lane of I-95 southbound is closed in Colonial Heights, near Route 144 (Temple Ave.) at mile marker 53, is closed ...
The wreck happened just after 4 a.m. on Thursday when a tractor-trailer driver lost control, crashing into a section of guardrail and damaging an overhead sign.
Virginia State Police (VSP) are investigating an excavator crash that happened at around 9:30 a.m. this morning, involving a ...
Officials in Jasper County are warning drivers to avoid a portion of I-95 following a vehicle fire Tuesday morning. According ...
The next phase of work to demolish and replace the North Avenue bridge over Interstate 95 in New Rochelle will begin on ...
I-95 Southbound near Atlantic Boulevard was backed up for miles earlier Monday. The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office now said ...
Diana Arias, 62, drove her red Hyundai onto the ramp as a man started walking on the outside lane. Arias was “unable to ...
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Lanes of I-95 South near Atlantic Boulevard are closed Monday afternoon due to police activity, ...
There were several area motor vehicle accidents Tuesday and Wednesday, including a collision between two trucks on Interstate ...