Otrdienas, 25. marta, vakarā Rīgā, Jezupa Rancāna ielā, Daugavā ieripojusi automašīna, informē TVNET lasītāji.
The “Bererix” joint venture of Belgium’s Besix and Latvia’s Rere Buve has finished the first phase of a new railway bridge over the Daugava River in Riga, Latvia.
An often-overlooked capital has been praised as one of Europe's top spa and wellness break destinations, with an unbeatable ...
A subsidiary of Estonian real estate developer AS "Pro Kapital Grupp" in Latvia plans to start construction of a new premium apartment building "Blue Marine" in the first half of 2025. This will be ...
"Auda" svētdien "Tonybet" Latvijas futbola virslīgas trešās kārtas spēlē izcīnīja pirmo panākumu šosezon. Citā spēlē panākums ...
RFS ar 3:1 (1:0) pieveica "Riga" komandu, kura pagājušā gada Latvijas čempionātā ... gadā savu līdzjutēju priekšā trofeju izcīnīja Daugavpils "Daugava", pārspējot "Skonto" futbolistus. Virslīgas ...
I first visited Riga and the surrounding areas 10 years ... The boat takes you through the city canal and Daugava River. It is a particularly nice way to see the Old Town and the beautiful wooden ...
Responsible Tourism Can hotels really put up a food fight?Across Asia, a new crop of sustainability conscious hotels are now tackling the mounting problem of food waste. Cruise ship restaurants are ...
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