Prepare to get schooled If you have kids in school, or even if you don’t, you’ve probably realized that there’s a lot about ...
For science to have a meaningful impact on a group of people, new information needs to spread between trusted members of that ...
The wacky, the wild, and the weird. E ven if you weren’t someone who got excited about science class in school, now—as an ...
Many lament social media companies dropping independent fact-checking but perhaps “false-checking” is a more honest and achievable target.
The internet erupted in controversy over Felisa Wolfe-Simon and colleagues’ claim of a microbe thriving on arsenic. Nearly 15 ...
News24 has decided to create a disinformation desk inside its newsroom. This will be a counterweight on the scale of ...
A show like “Apple Cider Vinegar,” based on “The Woman Who Fooled the World,” by the journalists who eventually punctured ...
Fr. Luciano Felloni, an Argentinian priest assigned to the Philippines since 2000, sat in a television interview. He spoke ...
I've researched and written about reliable ways to distinguish science facts from false health claims. To stay alert and find ...
Now we're back for more creepy facts — here's what they had to say ... Contrary to the poster, this isn't just true in the US and Canada, and it would have affected anyone alive in the '50s, not just ...
Hard facts trump loud opinions ... says the changes were approved by a 37-member team of science educators. That’s not true. As the Cedar Rapids Gazette reported, that team retained the ...