Several bills to be passed in the City Council today are expected to change the height, the color and the ubiquity of the ...
A traffic study presented to the select board Monday suggests officials consider a roundabout at the intersection of Route 28 ...
The transformation of the riverside sidewalk along Thang Long Street in Hai Chau District, Da Nang, the capital city of central Vietnam, has been completed and is ready for public use, featuring ...
Santa Barbara Public Works plans to remove some of the trees under the Milpas Street Crosswalk ... intersections for sidewalk widening and three for obstructing motorists views at intersections.
Bailey Avenue is on the brink of a series of changes aimed at “building back Bailey” by redoing the road, sidewalks, bus ...
The report states that the additional restrictions address safety concerns associated with sidewalk congestion where pedestrians may have to walk into the street ... To view the agenda, visit ...
Compared to nearby cities, Philly seems to have a much lower rat population, or at least is home to vermin who are better at ...
And while a couple of speakers supported an eastern sidewalk — one made a great point about adding a short one closer to 17 th Street ... whose side-view mirrors pose extra dangers.
Clint Morris, Fred Brereton and John Albertini will appear on the consolidated general election ballot April 1 in the race of ...