Washington's CJTC banned a firearm popular among both law enforcement and the U.S. military, causing multiple police ...
Since a Washington academy banned the Sig Sauer P320 at all its training facilities, police officers will now be trained on ...
Since a Washington academy banned the Sig Sauer P320 at all its training facilities, police officers will now be trained on ...
Bellevue police have more than 200 Sig Sauer P320 handguns in service. Last month, the Criminal Justice Training Center (CJTC) banned the P320 at all its training facilities. That means Bellevue ...
Enumclaw Middle School was evacuated early Tuesday after a small explosive device detonated outside in the school courtyard.
A request for $570,000 to replace police department pistols and rifles brought different reactions from the public and city councillors Monday.
The traditional full line pharmacy wholesale distribution business, retail and private label products. Also has national Presence in the hospital pharmacy distribution market, and through its ...