Up to two westbound outside lanes of Indiantown Road from 67th Road North to the Florida’s Turnpike intersection will be ...
Durham’s Vision Zero coordinator presented recommendations to the city council for eliminating traffic deaths and serious ...
Texas recorded 26,000 traffic crashes in work zones, highlighting a significant safety concern, with McLennan County seeing ...
What is the schedule for the lane closures on the H-1 eastbound that made traffic so bad ? We were sitting in traffic for two hours ; this was about a month ago, on the weekend. I thought I heard on ...
The traffic project aims to reduce rat running and ... that was really disappointing because there were only a few of us..." She detailed the emotional toll on the protesters: "I have seen so ...
Editor’s note: Sign up for Unlocking ... noting the US is currently short nearly 3,000 controllers amid record travel demand. However, the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA ...
Ann Arbor is putting several million dollars toward street construction projects planned through the spring, summer and fall, ...
Evacuating the Tahoe basin in summer could take 14 hours, and 99% of properties are at risk — yet new resorts are being built ...
Work is slated for the section of highway starting near the intersection with Mountainside Drive and continuing west for approximately 3 miles, ending just past Livermore Flats.
Members of two national political protest organizations, 50501 and Indivisible, joined forces with hundreds of residents of ...