The Manitowoc County Historical Society is celebrating 100 years since the organization was gifted the Flag of Company A.
The Confederacy had been victorious at Fort Sumter in April and now the next battle - at Bull Run was taking place. The men, women and children who made up the wealthy elite of Washington came out in ...
John Adams Knight, whose house sits in Auburn's West Pitch Park, acknowledged that once he backed the North, it was a trying ...
Since then, our beautiful country has fought two other wars. We call them the First and Second World War. We have endured ...
The "long, lanky" man carrying the American flag on Decoration Day in May 1909 was a familiar sight at patriotic events in ...
Hours before surrendering to Union troops, the city was in chaos and ... after the Great Fire of 1861 destroyed a third of the city and a 587-day Federal bombardment. Believing that moving troops ...
The flag of the Kingdom of Callaway flies over a ... It was easy to be for the Union in Vermont or solidly Confederate in Alabama. However, the closer you got to the middle of the country, the ...
A flag can be seen flying from the top ... Atlantic Museum wrote on its website. “After the Union won the Battle of Hatteras Inlet in 1861, federal forces took control of the island,” the ...
When the Civil War broke out in 1861, Fort McHenry served an important role in the defense of Baltimore from a coastal attack. The fort also served as an intimidation factor to residents in favor of ...
While we were winning a true Union, a country standing forth among ... the orphans for whom the country alone was to care. The flag was all there was to care for them; they were to go forth ...