He wrote books, one that looked at the math behind Plato ... How did Suetterlein wind up being the senator to boot the survey foot? The Virginia Department of Transportation asked him to. He sits on ...
YORK COUNTY — Crews with the Virginia Department of Transportation began a project to increase capacity, ease congestion and ...
Proposed plans are to widen the two-lane Route 60 (Pocahontas Trail) roadway into three lanes for access and safety improvements. The widening — from James City County Fire Station No. 2 to Magruder ...
Proposed plans are to widen Route 60 to three lanes, providing one continuous center left-turn lane and one travel lane in each direction with an eight-foot shared-use path and a five-foot sidewalk, ...
VDOT has updated the schedule of construction and maintenance on our local roads for the week of March 24-28. For updated ...
Westbound lanes of Va. Route 164 were closed following a crash Monday night near the Cedar Lane on-ramp near Towne Point Road ...
The book appeals to Sagittarius' desire for freedom and discovery. It's a journey of self-discovery and the ultimate adventure, and it's an ideal read for this curious and wanderlust-prone sign.
The Israeli author discusses writing. Information here. Phillip Hoose: 10 a.m., Octavia Books, 513 Octavia St. The author reads and signs the children's book "Claudette Colvin: I Want Freedom Now!" ...
The project, which would convert the intersection into a multi-lane roundabout, is one of four Virginia Department of Transportation Smart Scale projects that had VDOT agreements approved.
Signs of the dementia that author Terry Pratchett ... Pratchett was the author of 41 Discworld fantasy novels, along with numerous other books. He died 10 years ago this week, with posterior ...
Brand new posts along the interstate aim to make it easier for first responders to find where they need to go.