A figure of Dark Magician from Yu-Gi-Oh striking his classic pose is now available in Taito online crane game machines.
The Yu-Gi-Oh! Early Days Collection brings back some of the oldest video game adaptations from the beloved card game’s past with some impressive value. There are 14 different, distinct games ...
But jumping into Yu-Gi-Oh! The Sacred Cards really took me back. At the beginning of the game, you’re asked to put in your name. It didn’t occur to me to think anything of it, so I typed mine in.
What Is Yu-Gi-Oh GX Anyway? Yu-Gi-Oh ... where pencils and books have been replaced by Duel Disks and monster cards! Still, it’s not just about making the grade for these up and coming students ...
While PC players will miss out on the Secret Rare Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card that's packaged with the physical edition for Switch at launch, Green Man Gaming has an awesome deal on Steam keys.
The first Yu-Gi-Oh videogame ever released, Yu-Gi-Oh Monster Capsule: Breed and Battle, had nothing to do with the card game. Announced in the latest Pokemon Presents, Pokemon TCGP enters Yu-Gi-Oh!
For example, all three versions of Duel Monster 4: Battle of Great Duelists and Dark Duel Stories allow you to skip ahead, but there’s no such luck in two of the best Yu-Gi-Oh! games in the collection ...