A collapsed wall set back the project, now 12 years old and counting, is expected to be fully repaired this summer.
NJ DOT says a section of Interstate 80 east in Wharton, closed since Feb. 10 by a sinkhole, will not reopen for a "minimum of ...
Just west of the indefinite closure of eastbound Route 80 in Wharton, NJDOT will close two lanes of westbound Route 80 Tuesday and Wednesday.
A month after a sinkhole shut down the eastbound section of Interstate 80 in Wharton, there remains no timeframe for it to ...
After a second sinkhole caused closures on Rt. 80 in Wharton, NJDOT investigators identified 90 possible instabilities or "voids" under the road.
Although the DOT announced a new detour pattern last month, residents say not much has changed and the detours continue to extend commutes everywhere ...
On the heels of discovering an I-80 sinkhole, the New Jersey DOT has confirmed a "significant void" has also been found.
NJDOT has scheduled lane closures for Tuesday and Wednesday near Route 80 sinkhole. Eastbound lanes on the busy highway have been closed since Feb. 10. The latest closures are related to a $65 ...