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When you enjoy making art with top-tier epoxy resin, you understand its importance in decorating your tumblers. Seeing as you’ll frequently use these containers, you’ll come to appreciate the ...
Revealing the coaster, which has a photo of Sara with her husband Simon on it, she jokes: "If you were my husband… what better gift could you receive than a homemade coaster with your wife’s face on ...
Helios Resins plans to use Avantium’s FDCA for products such as liquid coating resins (Photo: PantherMedia/Sashkin7) The multi-year capacity reservation covers FDCA produced with Avantium’s ...
The determination of a 12-year-old knows no bounds, especially when it comes to roller coasters. Just ask David Ho, a father who rode one 75 times in a row Monday on National Roller Coaster ...
A number of grades of “Magnum” ABS resins from styrenics producer Trinseo (Berwyn, Pennsylvania / USA; are now considered to be FDA food contact compliant. The food contact grades are ...