Van Sant said: “I’m excited to see Stuart Sandford, an amazing photographer and sculptor, create a beautiful film inspired by the historical relationship between Hadrian and Antinous.” ...
When Antinous drowned in the River Nile in AD 130 Hadrian, who took control over the vast Roman Empire in AD 117, was said in ancient accounts to have wept “like a woman”. A Roman man was free ...
Antinous, had drowned during Hadrian’s tour of Egypt in 130. The city of Canopus was home to a temple of the Greco-Egyptian god Serapis, of personal importance to Hadrian, who constructed his ...
In his reign, Hadrian also created celebrities, namely his lover Antinous, a slave attendant. After his premature death, Hadrian even deified him. The cult of Antinous took on a life of its own ...