Joe DiMaggio, the elegant Yankee Clipper whose 56-game hitting streak endures as one of the most remarkable records in baseball or any sport, died Monday at his home in Florida. He was 84.
The lines, "Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?/Our nation turns its lonely ... home on March 8, 1999. He is 84 years old.
Joe DiMaggio was more than the most complete all-around player of his generation. He was more than the player who set one of the game's most cherished records, hitting safely in 56 consecutive games.
"Joe DiMaggio got a piece of advice from my ... He passed away in 1999 at age 84. DiMaggio’s attorney later said that his reported last words were, "I’ll finally get to see Marilyn." ...
Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital steadily is growing its presence north from Hollywood into Palm Beach County.