The prime minister’s remarks came during the launch of Google's cutting-edge AI Campus on Wednesday in Somers Town in Camden, London, located within his constituency of Holborn and St Pancras.
King’s College London, Barts Health NHS Trust and Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, PharosAI will consolidate decades of NHS and biobank cancer data on one powerful, secure platform, ready ...
GlaxoSmithKline is opening a £10 million artificial intelligence (AI) research hub in King’s Cross, London, according to a press report. The area is being reimagined as a life sciences and ...
Byron Cook, who leads the AWS Automated Reasoning Group, while also being professor of computer science at University College London, tells The Register: "I've worked in the space of formal ...
Analysing the brains of London's taxi drivers could be key to improving AI navigation systems and Alzheimer’s research, scientists say. University College London researchers have found that London ...