On Sunday, the runners will go over the Brooklyn Bridge for the first time because of construction in Lower Manhattan.
Growth in Douglas County is placing a burden on many roads and highways. County engineers told FOX31 more than 45,000 people travel near U.S. 85 and C-470 each day and that number will double in ...
The Triumph and Tumult of NPR," stops well short of the Donald Trump Era but offers a character-rich media story.
The Bureau of Land Management, the Forest Service and the Fish & Wildlife Service manage more public lands than the Parks ...
The New York State Department of Transportation has announced an $8.8 million road rehabilitation project in the village to ...
CLINTON, NY (WUTR/WFXV/WPNY) — Governor Kathy Hochul announced a new road project is underway in the village of Clinton on Wednesday. The project — announced Wednesday, March 12 and estimated at just ...
Laurie Ramie, executive director of the Upper Delaware Council (UDC) used the word "startling" in reference to the green road ...
Micron could bring thousands to Central NY. One school district is spending $242 million, in part, to get ready.
A section of Interstate 470, located near the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Bridge, will experience varying lane closures in both ...
(FOX40.COM) — A high school student is dead after he crashed a car into a tree on Sunday, according to the California Highway Patrol. Around 7 p.m., the teen was driving on Twin Cities Road, west of ...
As the correction officer strike enters its third day, the New York State Police is assisting the state Department of Corrections and Community Supervision with security at affected prisons.
NJDOT has scheduled lane closures for Tuesday and Wednesday near Route 80 sinkhole. Eastbound lanes on the busy highway have been closed since Feb. 10. The latest closures are related to a $65 ...