The Renault Filante Record 2025 is the brand’s rolling lab for future tech. The Renault Filante Record 2025 is a battery-electric streamliner the company is using to develop new technologies. This ...
French cars have always been a bit out-there, a bit iconoclastic, and always with a heaping helping of cool. The relatively ...
French aeronautical turbine manufacturer Turbomeca partnered with Renault to create a record-setting gas turbine-powered car ...
We weren’t meant to be chatting about hot Clios, but our man knew about them better than most – I’d just better not drop him ...
En 2006, la troisième génération de la Clio adopte la griffe Renault Sport, son bloc 2 litres à aspiration naturelle, comme disent nos amis d’outre-Manche, dispose de 200 ch. En 2013 ...
Honda and Nissan are still determining if a merger is a viable option, but Honda’s fears aren’t entirely unfounded; there were whispers that Foxconn expressed interest in Renault’s stake in ...
Dans l’automobile, les rétablissements de situation sont souvent aussi rapides que spectaculaires et Renault en fournit une nouvelle illustration. Le constructeur à la dérive après avoir ...
The capacity at the Chennai plant, which is home to the Renault-Nissan alliance, is being used only to the tune of 45-50% and the new products are intended to boost this to 70%. Renault is ...
Depuis son lancement en 1990, la Renault Clio vit une « success story » ininterrompue et se place première des ventes en France tous types de véhicules confondus depuis plusieurs années. Elle permet ...
The winner was announced at today's Brussels motor show, and collected by Renault boss Fabrice Cambolive. He said: "We all feel immensely proud to have taken the prestigious 'Car of the Year' award.
Share your thoughts in the comments below on how long you have been waiting for the Renault and Nissan compact SUVs to make their comeback.
La Renault Clio s’offrira bientôt une sixième génération, qui fera toujours la part belle aux motorisations thermiques et hybrides. Son style, en revanche, sera totalement inédit et s’inspirera du ...