Mucus is usually clear when you're not sick. So it can be startling when your boogers are suddenly as yellow as the sun. Though it might give you the ick, your mucus isn't changing colors out of ...
you’ve likely examined your mucus color, from yellow to green, for signs you may be healing. “We are in the midst of one of ...
She told me that snot is normally clear. It turns yellow or green when our bodies fight germs that can make us sick. Snot is also called mucus. It’s a thin, slippery liquid that covers many of ...
A lot of people think yellow or green snot means you need an antibiotic. That is not true. Laura Martin, MD, MPH If it's a viral infection causing the yellow or green snot, yellow in particular is ...
Nasal discharge that is yellow, green or brown can be a sign of ... While the color of the mucus does not distinguish between a viral or a bacterial infection, several other signs make it more ...