UN OFITER SRI din Brasov a fost operat, luni, de medicii de la Spitalul Judetean din municipiu, dupa ce duminica seara a ajuns la spital cu rani provocate de un urs care l-a atacat in padurea de sub ...
Pirates invading Tampa on Saturday will find a rowdy sea of people ready to snatch their booty. Navigating those waves of partiers can be tricky. Back in 1904, Tampa city leaders envisioned a ...
Patru biblioteci din judetul Brasov, transformate in hub-uri de dezvoltare a competentelor digitale, iar alte 26 de biblioteci municipale, orasenesti si comunale vor dotate cu echipamente informatice.
Tampa City Council members struck down a developer’s rezoning request Thursday, delivering a win to neighbors long opposed to the Hillsborough River housing project. The lengthy hearing stirred ...
On Saturday, Jan. 25, the pinnacle event of Gasparilla, the pirate festival and invasion, takes place from 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Here's what you need to know, including where to park and how to navigate ...
Conservative leader Kemi Badenoch has said grooming gang perpetrators are "peasants" from "sub-communities" in other countries. She has now met survivors after revealing last week she had not met ...
Cumpărăm, în regim special, doar carne provenită din trofee sau sacrificată din necesitate și niciodată nu vom face altfel, indiferent de cerințe”, spune Valentin Șoneriu, director general CarmOlimp, ...
Tocmai de aceea au aparut suplimente alimentare dedicate unor disfunctionalitati sau unor probleme care pot fi tinute sub control sau pot fi corectate ... inchiriere autorulota Brasov. Daca locuiesti ...
Few things hit like an Italian sub. They’re one of the best sandwiches we’ve got, and when the craving hits, it’s hard to ignore. Imagine if you will: Your favorite local Italian deli is closed, so ...