One of two hitmen hired to kill former Air India bombing suspect Ripudaman Singh Malik was sentenced Tuesday to life in ...
The fires that devastated neighbourhoods in Los Angeles, killing 28 people and burning over 16,000 homes and buildings, are ...
A former Albertan who sells real estate in Arizona vows, “I ain’t going nowhere that’s got hurricanes” as the costs of owning ...
Trump, of course, is who he is: no one can accuse him of hiding the flavor of conservatism he espouses. He is a conservative in the mold of former president William McKinley, an empire-building ...
People can make their own decisions. But Canadians who enthusiastically defend Trump and his retinue of grifters and bigots? You are way, way offside Canadian public opinion (up to 90 per cent offside ...
Vladimir Putin’s Russia did not suddenly show itself to be the enemy of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. At dawn on that day, yes, Russia launched air and ground assaults on Ukraine, from the North, ...
Here’s what I’ve been saying to people who defend him, like you do. Go to your office lunchroom. Wait until it’s crowded. Then stand up and do exactly – no more, no less – what he did. Twice. Do that.
Harper-haters and Harperlovers just don’t get it. Ever. Harper-haters — found mainly on the progressive side of the spectrum, but not exclusively — consider the prime minister to be a black-hearted ...