Livestock data | DataFarm - Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Dec 1, 2023 · Queensland's beef cattle industry supports the largest beef sector of all Australian states, accounting for 49% of the national cattle herd. Livestock production is supported by the feedlot and meat processing sectors. Explore the livestock dashboard to find out more about livestock slaughtered in Queensland.
Australia’s 20 largest regions for cattle population - Beef Central
Sep 1, 2017 · WHILE drought has stemmed some of the longer-term trend towards Australia’s beef herd shifting north, Queensland retains its status as Australia’s beef powerhouse, accounting for more than twice as many cattle as next largest state, New South Wales.
Qld’s ‘150 Rich List’ exposes tough conditions for beef
An annual Queensland ‘150 Rich List’ compiled by the Sunday Mail newspaper this weekend has exposed the tough conditions being experienced across the beef industry – even for the sector’s largest stakeholders.
Herd and flock numbers for each region released
Sep 15, 2022 · Cattle. According to the ABS, there were 24.4 million cattle (dairy and beef) in Australia in 2021. The breakdown of these numbers by state is as follows: Queensland: 10.7 million head (44%) NSW: 4.4 million head (18%) Victoria: 3.6 million head (15%) SA: 1 million head (4%) WA: 2.1 million head (9%) NT: 1.7 million head (7%) Tasmania: 800,000 ...
Lighter steer and heifers lift, while other categories were mixed in ...
21 hours ago · 156 Black composite backgrounder steers from Hughenden, North Queensland 240kg at 12-14 months that made 400c/kg; 260 Santa feeder steers 445kg at 15-17 months out of Teelba in southern Queensland that made 359c/kg; 210 Angus steers 10-14 months averaging 263kg from Goondiwindi, Southern Qld sold in two lots, making 445c and 441c.
Livestock and meat production - State of the Environment …
Beef cattle numbers increased by 25% in the North Queensland Dry Tropics (formerly Burdekin) Natural Resource Management (NRM) region from 1.16 million in 2013–14 to 1.46 million head in 2017–18. Wool production increased by 163% from 4 tonnes in …
TUDIES of the liveweight gains of beef cattle have been undertaken at several places in North Queensland.These have included “Wairuna”, 50 miles W. of Cardwell, in a 28-inch rainfall area fairly typical of a large area of cattle country in North …
North Queensland grazier diversifies beef sales | Queensland …
Oct 14, 2024 · Rather than building a business through expanding land, one north Queensland grazier chose a different path, diversifying his business by creating multiple income streams and selling beef directly to the public. Joe Attard runs around 200 head of Brahman and Brangus cattle at Note Park, approximately 80 hectares at Eton, inland from Mackay.
Prime Beef from Paddock to Plate FNQ
We are a small family operated farm located on the Cassowary Coast in North QLD. We specialise in breeding our own prime quality Brangus, Charolais and Droughtmaster cattle in a stress free environment.
Sustainable Beef Production - Lorraine Pastoral Co.
An Iconic Cattle and Farming Property with Over a Century of Farming Excellence on 240,000 Hectares of Fertile Pastures in North Queensland. Lorraine runs around 26,000 cattle, with a mix of breeds like Brahman, Belmont Red, Senepol, and Angus.