Honda Pilot Brake fluid change/flush | BobIsTheOilGuy
May 21, 2017 · These days I use an enema syringe to suck the fluid out via the bleeder, then push new fluid back in, upwards. I know gravity works, because I've had the brake fluid leak out via a faulty wheel cylinder, but I can generate more pressure with a syringe, and can cycle in and out to free trapped air, and maybe a bit of sludge.
Brake fluid change!?? - Bob is the Oil Guy
Dec 3, 2020 · brake fluid is the most neglected by far. theoretically it’s +1/2% water composition every year but in practice nobody cares and nothing happens until you push your brakes to the limit and the degraded fluid rears its ugly end
brake fluid change interval | BobIsTheOilGuy
Dec 10, 2002 · This is one maintenence item ignored by most manufacturers, except VW, Mercedes, and maybe a few others. Mercedes recommends a brake fluid change every 2 years for all their cars. Practically speaking, this rule should be …
Can I change my brake fluid using the "turkey baster" method?
Mar 2, 2004 · I alway "flush" out all of the brake fluid by opening each wheel bleeder valve in the proper sequence every two years. If you can't or won't do that then there is a good reasons to change only the fluid in the master cyl (baster method). Brake fluid is hydroscopic which means that it will suck up moisture.
Ford doesn't recommend brake fluid changing... - Bob is the Oil Guy
Jun 8, 2006 · Ford does not give a service interval for changing the brake fluid. Personally I would change it every few years. The Ford DOT3 has one of the highest boiling points on the market, p/n PM-1C. They also now offer DOT4LV p/n PM-20, which is what came in my new Mustang and they offer DOT 5.1 p/n PM-21.
Brake Fluid Change | BobIsTheOilGuy
Oct 10, 2019 · Bleeding brake fluid on a regular basis is a smart thing to do. More and more manufacturers are recommending brake fluid change as part of their maintenance. As mentioned above, brake fluid collects moisture, and when it does, it becomes even more corrosive, and can destroy brake system components.
brake fluid really need to be changed? | BobIsTheOilGuy
May 28, 2003 · On the brake system as the seals flex during normal operation a minute amount of atmosphere enters the hydraulic system and with the atmosphere a tiny amount of moisture from normal humidity. Heat from the brakes also degrades brake fluid, especially if it is already "wet". Changing brake fluid ocassionally is good maintenance.
How to change brake fluid on cars with ABS? | BobIsTheOilGuy
Jun 21, 2003 · Replacing the brake fluid may not even clean out the bottom of the bore, let along that critical, highly exposed area. Maybe that is a good argument for rebuild over replace. That way I know I have a generous coat of silicone grease between the bore and piston in addition to a fresh, new boot to keep out oxygen and moisture.
Brake Fluid Exchange- Kia | BobIsTheOilGuy
Nov 25, 2015 · A time-based change interval makes more sense. 3 years seems reasonable but now I'd cut it to 2 here because its so humid. Academic for the present since (probably because the brake fluid's not been changed) I've had several repairs to do on the braking system, have one pending and probably more to come, so brake fluid change is being forced.
Turkey Baster Brake Fluid Change | BobIsTheOilGuy
Jun 27, 2010 · At most it will change the brake fluid at the top end of the lines. Most of the fluid in the lines stays the same. You could press the calipers with a C clamp in the same way as you would for a brake pad replacement to push the old fluid out of the calipers into the reservoir and then do the turkey baster method.