Lucas hydraulic system Stop Leak - Green Tractor Talk
Jul 12, 2017 · "Stop leak" additives are really "Seal swellers" and will affect every seal and o-ring in whatever they are placed in, potentially causing other issues that you didn't have before. The old timers used a number of "additives" to stop leaks in …
Is there a good hydraulic leak stop out there? - Green Tractor Talk
May 20, 2020 · I will just say, the reason brake fluid works is because hydraulic seals are not made to work with brake fluid so they swell. Just keep in mind, just because something works doesn't mean you should do it. If you put brake fluid in a hydraulic system, you will most likely destroy all of the hydraulic hoses, all seals and pump and motor seals in ...
Anyone used transmission stop leak in a 1025r? - Green Tractor Talk
Mar 13, 2020 · 85% will go ahead with proper repair with warranty. Remainder will try some "additive" Remainder returns with further issues. ALWAYS more expensive repairs. I had a truck so packed with coolant stop leak, to keep a cavitated liner from leaking into crankcase, it overheated #6 and broke the liner in half. Almost made a window in the block.
JD PEMO anti-chatter additive for Hy-Guard trans/hydro fluid on ...
Feb 6, 2013 · "The chatter they are referring to is brake chatter. Some tractors have the chattering and some don't . If you do experience chatter, then this product does help. It takes a while for the additive to absorb into the brake lining, so the improvement takes a while to happen. If you don't have the chattering issue, I wouldn't bother with it."
Hydraulic fluid leak and Blue Devil | Green Tractor Talk
Oct 24, 2017 · My 1025R developed a small hydraulic fluid leak at about 30 hours. By small leak I refer to a spot on the concrete under the rear axle about the size of a quarter overnight. Sometimes there was no leak for a few days, and then another spot would appear. I cleaned the underside of the tractor but couldn't find a specific leak location.
Is it OK to leave red dye in oil? - Green Tractor Talk
May 4, 2024 · The MT3668 is for hydraulic fluid. I wouldn't want someone to add the MT3668 to their engine oil seeking to determine a leak source as its not designed to be used in that fashion. Just wanted to clarify this point. Both the MT3668 red dye and the infrared leak tracing dyes are safe to remain in the fluid and vehicle long term.
1025R Hydraulic Fluid Leak - Green Tractor Talk
Sep 18, 2021 · Gene Have fun and be safe !!! :usa USAR 8yr 8 mo SSG :usa 99th ARCOM JD 1025R, H120 FEL 54" bucket, 54" mmm Auto Conn, 54" Front blade, JD back hoe ,JD IMatch, 60" Tar River tiller, Middlebuster from MF dealer, used King Kutter 5' rear blade, a new 47" JD Front blower and Original Tractor cab w/heater.
John Deere 4010 lpg hydraulic and 3 pt issue - Green Tractor Talk
Aug 25, 2012 · The rockshaft can also cause a return to sump leak. The easiest way to check for a high pressure leak is to check for heat. Start the tractor cold and let it run without using any hydraulics for about 10 or 15 minutes. Touch each hydraulic component and see if any extra heat is coming from the steering valve, brake valve, scv, or rockshaft valve.
3020 Brake Valve Leaking - Green Tractor Talk
Jun 8, 2017 · You'll have to remove the floor-board to allow the brake pedals to swing back far enough to remove the cover(#55). To do this, the 3 bolts(#56) will have to be removed. These 3 bolts also retain the bottom housing to the top housing. The gasket(#1) will most likely tear; and leak fluid when assembled. This is the reason for my first reply.
4052R Hydraulic Fluid Change Interval | Green Tractor Talk
Dec 30, 2024 · My 4052R is coming up on 400 hours. Deere recommends changing the hydraulic/transmission fluid and filter at 400 hours. My son who services commercial hydraulic equipment says 400 hours is overkill. My fluid still looks exceptionally clear, but I am leaning towards changing it anyway, since I have a Deere extended warranty. Opinions?