Ford Ranger 4 wheel drive problems - Car Talk Community
Mar 9, 2014 · Hello everyone, I have a 2006 Ford Ranger XLT manual shift 4.0 engine with 157,000 miles. This vehicle runs very well and is in near perfect condition except for the 4 wheel drive system. It binds up and the truck simply does not want to move. It overheats causing white smoke to appear. My mechanic whom I trust fully replaced the actuator with no improvement. When in 2 wheel drive the truck ...
No sharp turns in 4 Wheel Drive - Car Talk Community
Feb 10, 2010 · I have a 2009 Jeep Liberty with 1900 miles on it and have a problem with the 4 Wheel Drive. When backing out of my driveway or pulling into a parking space at very slow speeds the car just stops as though i have applied the brake. If i give it more gas it feels like the brake and the gears are fighting each other. The dealer said this is normal… huh A service tech test drove the car with me ...
4 wheel drive at highway speeds - Car Talk Community
Oct 29, 2012 · I drive a 2008 Dodge Ram 1500. It has 2wd, 4hi, and 4lo. I have heard from some old timers that if I drive in 4hi at highway speeds it will damage the vehicle. The manual does not say anything about not driving highway speeds in 4hi. I only drive in 4 hi when there is lots of snow on the road (I-25/I-70 between Colorado Springs and the mountains mostly). Does anyone have any good info on this ...
Front wheel spin on 4wd when truck is lifted, in park and in 2wd
Dec 30, 2018 · Just rotated my tires today on my 2008 ford f150 lariat 4wd. I noticed when the truck was lifted that the driver side front wheel would spin freely, where as the passenger side front wheel would only move a couple inches in ether direction and stop. The truck was off in park and in 2wd. It drives fine at all speeds and makes no …
Automatic 4-Wheel Drive not engaging/disengaging
Dec 22, 2009 · It has automatic 4-Wheel Drive. After a recent snow storm, in which I was stuck, I could not get it into 4-wheel drive by selecting the automatic button, the 4-hi button, or the 4-low button. The buttons would just flash and the 4-wheel would not engage.
Driving in 4 wheel drive low - Car Talk Community
Mar 25, 2009 · I recently (accidentally thanks to a two year old that got hold of dials) drove my husband’s 2005 F150 about 200 miles in 4 wheel drive low. I didn’t notice the engine making any strain or different revving while driving this vehicle, but it was a rather windy day. Did I ruin his truck? Needless to say, my husband is giving me a lot of grief about this. Thanks!
4 wheel drive clunk disengaging - Car Talk Community
Jan 16, 2012 · I own a 2002 Chev. small blazer with 4 wheel drive available. Largest V-6 available. There is a clunk sound I can hear and feel as this vehicle is shifting OUT of 4 wheel into 2 wheel drive. Going from 2 to 4 wheel drive is perfect. First mechanic (test drove alone) said he would have to tear apart the front transfer case to determine fault. 2nd mechanic (with me along) did power brake slow ...
Truck slips into 4-wheel drive by itself! - Car Talk Community
Jun 25, 2009 · My 2008 Colorado pick-up (14K miles) occassionally slips into 4-wheel drive (high) by itself when I’m turning into parking spaces or into the driveway at home. I’m obviously driving at a very slow speed when this happen. We haven’t determined this occuring at any regular patterns or intervals other than the pavement is dry and the …
Shifting into 4x4 while driving? - Car Talk Community
Nov 30, 2008 · I just recently sold my '99 S-10 4X4 4.3L Automatic. It is OK to shift into 4hi at any reasonal speed or back to 2hi. However do not shift into 4lo at more than 3 mph. It is recommended that you even put the trans in neutral to shift into 4lo. Also do not drive in 4 wheel drive on dry pavement.
When to and when not to use 4 wheel drive high
Jan 8, 2009 · Theoretically in 4WD Hi you can drive at any speed you want (provided you are not turning), however most of the time conditions will dictate that you not drive very fast, otherwise you wouldn’t be using 4WD. For low range due to gear reduction via the transfer case you’re going to top out around 30-40 MPH for most vehicles (redline limited).