Geogrids for Road Construction & Stabilization - Tensar
From major highways to heavy-duty haul roads, Tensar's geogrid technology and asphalt reinforcement technology are proven solutions that decrease construction and material costs, …
Pavement Layers & Geogrids for Asphalt Reinforcement - Tensar
Extend the life of your pavement & reduce maintenance costs with Tensar's geosynthetic paving layers & geogrid systems. We have a solution for any project.
Asphalt Reinforcement Grids & Systems - Tensar
Tensar has a range of asphalt reinforcement geogrids and interlayers, designed to interact with the bitumen bound layer. These products add tensile stiffness, limit strains and reduce crack …
Biaxial geogrids are intended for asphalt (flexible) pavements. At this time, there is no known benefit for using biaxial geogrids under concrete pavement. Biaxial geogrids can be used for a …
Geogrids for Road & Pavement Stabilisation | Tensar
Tensar has a range of asphalt interlayer composites and geogrids for roads designed to interact with the bitumen bound layer: to adding tensile stiffness, limiting strains and reducing crack …
In combination with Tensar’s engineering and design services, cost-analysis tools and site assistance, TriAx Geogrid provides a simple, reliable and afordable solution for constructing …
Spartan Road Grid - Titan Environmental
Spartan Road Grid™ is a polymer-coated fiberglass geogrid. Featuring ultimate aperture size it allows asphalt particles to penetrate through the grid to achieve high interlock and effective …
Asphalt polyester geogrid are geosynthetic material made of polyester geogrid and laminated with ultralight non-woven geotextile especially designed for Asphalt reinforcement. It features …
Asphalt Reinforcement (RG) Geogrids and Pavement Mats
L.E. Geosolutions’ glass-fiber (RG) geogrids are used to help retard reflective cracking in the asphaltic layers within flexible and composite pavements. They comprise extremely stiff fiber …
Quantifying the Effect of Geogrids in Asphalt Pavement Foundation ...
Jan 5, 2022 · To help engineers decide whether to use geogrids in road construction projects, researchers calculated just how much strength and durability geogrid material can add to an …