James rose | Striped Climbing rose | Gardenroses.co.uk
James rose is a wonder to admire. With upright tall growth displaying the striped blooms in hues of primrose yellow, orange and pink on majestic tall sturdy stems. Blooms have a light to medium fragrance, most notable on warm days.
James rose - The Fragrant Rose Company
James rose has an upright display of striped blooms in hues of primrose yellow, orange and pink on majestic sturdy stems. Foliage has brilliant disease resistance with lovely glossy green foliage and attractive bronze colouration to new stems.
James rose | Striped Climbing rose - Style Roses
James rose is a climbing rose, primrose yellow blooms with pink and orange stripes, a light to medium scent. Fades to paler tones with age
James Galway | English Climbing Rose | David Austin Roses
The strikingly beautiful flowers are mid pink at the centre, gradually becoming lighter towards the edges. The numerous, neatly placed petals in each bloom create a slightly domed shape. Named after the Irish flautist.
Rosa James Galway (English Rose) - Gardenia
Repeat-flowering, Rosa James Galway is a fabulous English Rose that produces large, double flowers full of many neatly arranged petals. Warm pink at heart and delicately shading to paler hues at the edges, the blossoms emit a medium-old rose fragrance.
James L Austin | English Shrub Rose | David Austin Roses
Bears large, many petalled, deep pink rosettes, each with a button eye. There is a light-medium strength fruity fragrance. It forms a neat and tidy shrub with a bushy, upright habit. Named for the son of David Austin Senior and brother of David Austin Junior. Colour may vary depending on growing conditions.
James Galway Rose - David Austin - Moderately Fragrant - Heirloom Roses
James Galway ® is a tough, disease-free rose that is excellent for the back of a mixed border and can also be grown as a Climber topping out around 12’. His flowers are 4" across and full with over 100 petals shading to pale pink at the edges.
James Galway English Climbing Rose - Plant Addicts
James Galway English Climbing Rose, Rosa James Galway™ ️, is a vigorous climber and continuous summer bloomer. Its mid-pink center softens towards the outer petals, gradually turning light pink, revealing a light Old Rose scent. Each lovely rose has around 130 petals.
James Galway rose - Gardenroses.co.uk
James Galway rose has large, full flowers containing many petals with deep pink centres and paler pink edges. The blooms are formed in good numbers on strong upright growth and will make a delightful addition to your garden.
Rosa James Galway ('Auscrystal'PBR) (Cl) | rose [James Galway] …
Climbing roses are vigorous shrubs with thorny stems and large, solitary or clustered, often fragrant, usually remontant flowers. Grow in fertile, humus-rich, moist but well-drained soil in full sun over an arbor, obelisk or wall.