Moapa River | Overton | Moapa Band of Paiutes
The Moapa Indian Reservation, nestled in the warm deserts of Southern Nevada, is the residence of Moapa Band of Paiutes. We welcome you to our identity as the Moapa Band of Paiutes, learn about our government and community, and uncover our rich history.
About Us - moapabandofpaiutes
Before the 1800s, the Moapa Paiutes thrived as a culturally adept society, skillfully blending farming with hunting and gathering while utilizing the land's resources with great creativity. Our ancestors crafted a variety of intricately designed domestic items, including water jars, winnowing trays, cradle boards, cooking baskets, and seed ...
Tribal Directory - moapabandofpaiutes
Tribal Court Clerk Kirstie Shakespear (702)865-2845 [email protected]
Moapa River | Overton | Moapa Band of Paiutes
The Moapa Indian Reservation is home to the Moapa Band of Paiutes, and rests in the warm deserts of Southern Nevada. We welcome you to learn about who we are as Moapa Band of Paiutes, our government and community, and our history.
Careers - moapabandofpaiutes
MOAPA BAND OF PAIUTE INDIANS . We are currently accepting applications at this time, Please contact the following number for further employment information. Phone: (702)-865-2787. Applications. ... Moapa, NV 89025 . For any questions or general inquiries: Call (702) 865-2787.
Tribal Council - moapabandofpaiutes
Our mission is to advance the Moapa Band of Paiutes and preserve our homeland by building an independent and self-governing community that provides an opportunity for all peoples who have made a commitment to this mission.
Job Announcements | moapabandofpaiutes
Tribal Directory. Tribal Council. Committees. Yucca Mountain. Tribal Members Section. Forum. Contact. Careers. Job Announcements. News Bulletin. Vendor Information and Documentation. My Account. MOAPA BAND OF PAIUTE INDIANS . Job Announcements. Gaming Commissioner. Director of Human Resources. For any questions or general inquiries: Call (702 ...
News Bulletin | moapabandofpaiutes
Tribal Directory. Tribal Council. Committees. Yucca Mountain. Tribal Members Section. Forum. Contact. Careers. Job Announcements. News Bulletin. Vendor Information and Documentation. My Account. MOAPA BAND OF PAIUTE INDIANS . Upcoming Events. Southern Paiute Veterans Association (SOPAVA) POW WOWS. For SOPAVA, Click Here! For any questions or ...
Committees - moapabandofpaiutes
The Moapa Band of Paiutes is currently reorganizing and activating all its committees. We are seeking candidates for all six (6) positions on each committee. If you're interested in joining a committee please visit the Tribal Office to obtain an application.
Members - moapabandofpaiutes
Vendor Information and Documentation. My Account. MOAPA BAND OF PAIUTE INDIANS