Circumscribed Pretibial Myxedema | NEJM - New England Journal of Medicine
CIRCUMSCRIBED pretibial myxedema is an unusual but not a particularly rare skin disease. In an excellent article Curtis and his associates1 described this condition, and many cases have been...
Localized Pretibial Myxedema - The New England Journal of Medicine
The syndrome of exophthalmic goiter and bilateral pretibial myxedema is a distinct entity. This distribution of local myxedema is seen only in patients with past or present thyrotoxicosis.
Pretibial Myxedema - The New England Journal of Medicine
PRETIBIAL myxedema may be cosmetically unattractive but is not believed to have any adverse medical consequence. We recently encountered a patient with Graves's disease in whom bilateral foot...
Pretibial myxoedema - DermNet
Pretibial myxoedema is also known as localised myxoedema, thyroid dermopathy, and infiltrative dermopathy. It is most commonly seen on the shins (pretibial areas) and is characterised by swelling and lumpiness of the lower legs. What causes pretibial myxoedema?
Pretibial Myxedema (Graves' Dermopathy) - Cleveland Clinic
Pretibial myxedema is a skin condition that causes plaques of thick, scaly skin and swelling of your lower legs. This condition is a form of Graves’ disease and can affect people diagnosed with thyroid conditions. Symptoms are cosmetic and the condition doesn’t always need treatment. What is pretibial myxedema?
Pretibial Myxedema as the Presenting Manifestation of Graves …
Jun 19, 2024 · Pretibial myxedema, also known as thyroid dermopathy, represents a rare manifestation of Graves disease. 1 It may manifest prior to, concurrent with, or following the onset of hyperthyroidism.
Treatment of pretibial myxedema with intralesional …
Pretibial myxedema (PTM; also called thyroid dermopathy, localized myxedema, or infiltrative dermopathy) is an infrequent manifestation of autoimmune thyroid disease. It is common in Graves’ disease (GD) with an incidence of 0.5%–4.3%, 1 a cause of hyperthyroidism.
Pretibial myxedema - Wikipedia
Pretibial myxedema (myxoedema in British English, also known as Graves' dermopathy, thyroid dermopathy, [1] Jadassohn-Dösseker disease or myxoedema tuberosum) is an infiltrative dermopathy, resulting as a rare complication of Graves' …
Pretibial myxedema in a euthyroid patient: a case report - PMC
We report a rare case of a biopsy proven pretibial myxedema in a patient with normal thyroid function and absence of thyroid autoantibodies. A 72- year old man presented to the dermatology clinic with a six-month history of indurated skin lesion involving both shins.
Myxedema | New England Journal of Medicine
Feb 19, 2015 · Myxedema. Author: Joyce Kim, M.D. Author Info & Affiliations. Published February 19, 2015. ... The New England Journal of Medicine; NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery; NEJM Evidence;
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