Earth 2050: A glimpse into the future | Kaspersky
Earth 2050 it's an interactive project that provides a fascinating glimpse at a future based on predictions from futurologists, scientists, and Internet users from all corners of the globe.
NEO Close Approaches - TheSkyLive
View NEOs in the 3D Solar System Simulator. A constantly up to date list of the predicted close approaches of Earth with of NEO Asteroids happening in the near future.
NEO Earth Close Approaches - NASA
NASA's Near-Earth Object (NEO) web-site. Data related to Earth impact risk, close-approaches, and much more.
Close Approaches List - NEO
3 days ago · Every month dozens of NEAs come within 0.05 au of Earth. The following table presents the list of these forthcoming and recent close approaches, with details concerning the encounter circumstances.
Experts Came Together to Predict What the World Will Look ... - Futurism
Apr 9, 2017 · The predictions were collected from futurists, experts, and everyday people and are displayed on an interactive map of the world. The interactive 3D globe has several interactive points in...
This 2050 Earth Map Is An Ominous Glimpse Of Our Future - SlashGear
Jul 14, 2021 · A new interactive map shows the likely impact of climate change and industrial development on the Earth's surface, an ominous prediction of how vulnerable our planet will be as we head toward...
A travel around the near future with everyday maps
Futures in Maps is an atlas that tell stories about a world we all might experience soon. Each map showcases the potential everyday consequences of global scale challenges such as climate change, labor automation, access to clean water and renewable energy production.
Earth 2050 map is a striking look into the future | WIRED
Apr 5, 2017 · To mark its 20th anniversary, Kaspersky has created a map to help people “look back and look forward” simultaneously. Called Earth 2050, the map provides a fascinating glimpse at a future...
Red Dot Design Award: Earth 2050
The project “Earth 2050” with its interactive 3D map of the earth allows looking into the future. Illustrated predictions demonstrate how future changes might look.
What the Earth will look like in 2050, according to experts and people ...
Apr 6, 2017 · The map, called Earth 2050, imagines our world three decades from now, Wired reports. The project allows users to explore how different cities around the world might look in 2050, 2040, and 2030.