Prince Edward Viaduct - Wikipedia
The Prince Edward Viaduct System, commonly referred to as the Bloor Viaduct, is the name of a truss arch bridge system in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, connecting Bloor Street East, on the west side of the system, with Danforth Avenue on the east.
Bridging the Don: The Prince Edward Viaduct – City of Toronto
Construction of the viaduct started on June 16, 1915 and it was fully opened for traffic on August 23, 1919, but some Toronto politicians had been dreaming about a way to bridge the gap much earlier.
Suicide barrier - Wikipedia
The Bloor Street Viaduct, also known as the Prince Edward Viaduct, was the second most deadly suicide bridge in North America at the time a custom designed suicide barrier known as the "Luminous Veil" was erected there.
Toronto Feature: Bloor Viaduct - The Canadian Encyclopedia
Feb 5, 2013 · The official name of the Bloor Viaduct is the Prince Edward Viaduct (for Edward, Prince of Wales, later Edward VIII). Completed in 1918, the 494-metre long steel and concrete arch bridge traverses the Don River Valley, which once divided the city.
Prince Edward Viaduct - The Architectural Marvel Spanning The …
Apr 28, 2021 · The Prince Edward Viaduct, commonly known as the Bloor Viaduct, connects Bloor St E with Danforth Ave in Toronto. The bridge was named after Prince Edward, who later became King Edward VIII. The building of this architectural marvel began in 1915, and while it officially opened in October 1918, it didn’t open fully to traffic until 1919.
Prince Edward Viaduct – CSCE / SCGC
The viaduct was named for the Prince of Wales, later Edward VII, in 1918. Architect Dereck Revington and engineers at Halcrow Yolles designed the “Luminous Veil” barrier to prevent suicides. Eventually completed in 2003, it has made the walk across the bridge much less intimidating for everyone.
Prince Edward Viaduct (Bloor Street Viaduct, Don Section ...
Jun 20, 2013 · It is a steel braced ribbed deck arch, which itself is an unusual structure type, but its use of a crescent arch makes this bridge exceedingly rare and unusual in its design.
The birth of the Bloor Viaduct - blogTO
Sep 29, 2011 · The Bloor Viaduct, also known as the Prince Edward Viaduct, is a landmark project in Toronto. Opened in fall of 1918, the bridge system is actually c…
Bridging the Don: The Viaduct Opens – City of Toronto
Barely a year after the opening of the viaduct, the City of Toronto welcomed Prince Edward, the Prince of Wales and heir to the English throne. He arrived for a three-day royal visit on August 23, 1919. The Prince was a genuine wartime hero, who had served four years in France.
Prince Edward Viaduct - Lost Rivers
With over 400 suicides, the Viaduct ranked as the second most fatal standing structure in the world, after the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. This led to the construction of a suicide barrier called the Luminous Veil.