Don (river) - Wikipedia
The Don (Russian: Дон, romanized: don) is the fifth-longest river in Europe. Flowing from Central Russia to the Sea of Azov in Southern Russia, it is one of Russia's largest rivers and played …
Volga–Don Canal - Wikipedia
Lenin Volga–Don Shipping Canal (Russian: Волго-Донской судоходный канал имени, В. И. Ленина, Volga-Donskoy soudokhodniy kanal imeni V. I. Lenina, abbreviated ВДСК, VDSK) is …
Don River | Russia, Tributaries & History | Britannica
Don River, one of the great rivers of the European portion of Russia. It has been a vital artery in Russian history since the days of Peter I the Great, who initiated a hydrographic survey of its …
Volga-Don Link, Shipping Route & Waterway - Britannica
Volga-Don Canal, canal linking the lower Volga River with the Don River at their closest point in southwestern Russia. The canal runs from Kalach-na-Donu, on the eastern shore of the …
Volga-Don Shipping Canal - GlobalSecurity.org
The Volga-Don Canal is important to the area because it allows waterborne shipping from the Volga River to the Don River, through the Sea of Azov, and into the Black Sea.
Ship DON RIVER (Oil/Chemical Tanker) Registered in Russia
Vessel DON RIVER is a Oil/Chemical Tanker, Registered in Russia. Discover the vessel's particulars, including capacity, machinery, photos and ownership. Get the details of the current …
Tikhiy Don (ship) - Wikipedia
The Tikhiy Don (Russian: Тихий Дон) is a Vladimir Ilyich-class (project 301, BiFa125M) Soviet/Russian river cruise ship, cruising in the Volga – Neva basin.
Don River - Encyclopedia of World Geography
THE DON RIVER IS one of RUSSIA's major commercial rivers, which, connected to the VOLGA through the 65-mi (105-km) Volga-Don Canal, allows river traffic to sail from Russia's interior …
General cargo ship aground, river Don, Russia | seafarertimes.com
General cargo ship RELIANCE ran aground on 3175 kilometer mark river Don at around 0600 Moscow time Jun 12 while sailing upstream to Rostov-on-Don port, Russia. 2 tugs reportedly …
DON RIVER, Chemical/Oil Products Tanker - VesselFinder
The vessel is en route to the port of Astrakhan, Russia, and expected to arrive there on Oct 30, 14:00. The vessel DON RIVER (IMO 9435349, MMSI 273337920) is a Chemical/Oil Products …
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