Smallest beer bottle or can currently in production?
Oct 27, 2006 · There are 15cl and 18cl (approx. 5 and 6 us oz) cans and bottles in Europe - check out some photos at We Love Nips. The smallest US bottles I recall (off hand) were the early Anchor Old Foghorn dark green glass "champagne" splits that were 6.3 oz (later replaced by a brown 7 oz. bottle, and then the standard Anchor 12's).
Anyone seen 7oz. (ponies) lately? | Community | BeerAdvocate
Sep 13, 2022 · "Stubby" and "Steinie" - both terms were commonly used in the US, post-Repeal, as the official industry name of the bottles - referred to the shape of the bottle, not the size. Most were initially "No Deposit-No Return" bottles, developed to compete with the throw-away beer can. Most were the standard 12 oz. (or the standard 11 oz. on the West ...
Anyone else have issues capping small neck bottles - BeerAdvocate
Jan 4, 2012 · The shape of the bottle neck makes the difference. I don't use lagunitas bottles because they're a bitch to cap. Same with RABC bottles (which kinda sucks because I love their beer, however, see below). Stubby SN bottles are great, as are green flash, as are DFH.
Bottles | Millwood, WA | Reviews | BeerAdvocate
This is a small little bottle shop in the Spokane Valley like has been said in all the reviews before and is more wine then beer but the more I go in there the more beer seems to be appearing. The standard shelves that were there before have been replaced by cooler one for 22oz and a couple for 12oz bottles.
471 Small Batch IPA | Breckenridge Brewery & The Farm House
471 Small Batch IPA is a Imperial IPA style beer brewed by Breckenridge Brewery & The Farm House in Littleton, CO. Score: 88 with 2,331 ratings and reviews. Last update: 03-12-2025.
Beers from the US in green bottles | Community - BeerAdvocate
Jul 3, 2012 · The first paragraph is near priceless, considering the recent threads on green bottles and their effects on beer. #8 Bitterbill , Jul 3, 2012 Bitterbill Grand High Pooh-Bah ( 6,834 ) Sep 14, 2002 Wyoming
Anchor Small Beer | Anchor Brewing Company - BeerAdvocate
Anchor Small Beer is a English Bitter style beer brewed by Anchor Brewing Company in San Francisco, CA. Score: 73 with 454 ratings and reviews. Last update: 08-16-2023.
Brewing small batches in larger system? - BeerAdvocate
Aug 22, 2008 · The best reason for brewing small batches is that the equipment requirements are smaller. If you are going to have the equipment there is really no good reason to make small batches. You will drink 5 gallons, give away beer, and …
Checking beer on a plane flight/baggage | Community
Nov 16, 2012 · A few broken bottles here and there, but those were a result of lazy/poor packing jobs on my part. In my experience: Bubble-wrap is your friend. Use it liberally. If you're worried about spillage, put your bottles/growlers in zip-loc or plastic bags. Pack tightly. Even bubble-wrapped bottles can break if everything else is loosely packed.
Mini 3oz. Budweiser bottles? | Community - BeerAdvocate
Apr 15, 2013 · Not sure if it regional. Maybe not since it is bmc all about money. The 6-7 oz bottles are usually around $3 cheaper also. Have no idea why they'd be made. Custom glass is $ for smaller bottles. Probably couldn't catch a buzz off the whole six pack even. Most likely aimed towards health conscious people by smaller portions